SEARCH KEYWORD -- file system

  How does PHP session work?

This article is about how PHP session works internally. Below are the steps : 1. Session in PHP is loaded into PHP core as an extension, we can understand it as an extension. When session extension is loaded, PHP will call core functions to get the session save_handler, i.e interface or functions for reading and writing session data. By default, PHP will handle session data by writing and reading files on the server. But PHP also supplies custom methods for handling session data, we can use sess...

   PHP, session, mechanism     2012-12-28 13:36:49

  Problem and Solution for Installing wxPython on Ubuntu 20.04

When we try to install wxPython lib on Ubuntu system to do software GUI development, most of time we may meet some installation and lib dependency problems. For the latest Ubuntu version, the problems still happen. Below are some common problems which happened frequently and their solution: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem [1]: Install wxPython on Ubuntu 20.04 fail because of dependency package Gtk is not in...

   PYTHON,WXPYTHON,UBUNTU 20.04     2020-09-09 05:32:35

  Using public key authentication in SSH

SSH is a popular cryptographic network protocol for secure network service operation. It is frequently used in remote server login. For a system administrator or software developer, SSH is frequently used to access remote servers or development servers or testing servers etc.  To login with SSH, there are different authentication mechanisms : password, public key and interactive etc. If a remote server needs to be accessed frequently, password authentication may be too troublesome as p...

   LINUX,DEBUG,SSH,PUBLIC KEY     2016-09-10 05:55:46

  How to install Oracle database on Linux using response file

There are two ways to install Oracle database on Linux :1). Using GUI; 2). Using response file. In this post, the method for using response file will be introduced. To install Oracle, please first get the Oracle database installation file ready. It can be downloaded from Oracle OTN. You need to have an Oracle account before you can download them. And there are three major components of the Oracle database installation : 1). The installation itself; 2). The network configuration; 3). Database cre...

   LINUX,HOW TO,ORACLE DATABASE     2017-06-03 04:15:49

  How to Set Spring profile With Example

Technology:  Spring Profiles provides a way to isolates the parts of application configuration, it will make available only in certain environments. It is mainly useful it wants to load spring beans based on environment configuration, for example if the operating system is windows we can load some specific spring beans, if it is other than load different spring beans. One more scenario where spring profiles widely used, like for QA environment we will use some database which is hosted local...


  How Do I Enable Remote Access To MySQL Database Server?

By default remote access to MySQL database server is disabled for security reasons. However, some time you need to provide remote access to database server from home or a web server. If you want to remotely access to the database server from the web server or home, follow this quick tutorial.MySQL Remote AccessYou need type the following commands which will allow remote connections.Step # 1: Login Using SSH (if server is outside your data center)First, login over ssh to remote MySQL database ser...

   MySQL,Remote access,Enable,Host or webdomain     2011-10-31 00:31:41

  Beginners guide to Linux directory structure

Have you ever looked in your / directory, you’ll see a lot of directories. Here we are presenting beginners guide to linux directory structure explaining what they mean and what are the contents of these directories.Screenshot of contents of root directory: /This is called root partition. All files and directories start with root partition. Write privileges under this directory are avaible with root user only. Not to confuse it with root user’s home directory, know the ...

   Linux,File system structure,Beginner's guide     2012-04-20 12:19:32

  How to use xargs command in Linux

What is the xargs command? The xargs command constructs and executes commands provided through standard input. It takes input and converts it into command arguments for another command. This functionality is particularly useful in file management and can be combined with commands like rm, cp, mkdir, and others. Using the xargs command When used alone, the xargs command prompts the user to enter a text string and then passes it to the echo command. This example demonstrates the input provided an...

   XARGS,LINUX     2023-11-17 11:19:41

  Use Memory Analyzer Tool in Eclipse

When developing applications, we often encounter memory issues of an application. To analyze how much memory each class takes, we need to have some specific tools to assist us. One of them is Memory Analyzer Tool on Eclipse. The Eclipse Memory Analyzer is a fast and feature-rich Java heap analyzer that helps you find memory leaks and reduce memory consumption. To use the Memory Analyzer Tool, you first need to install it on Eclipse. You can go to Help -> Install New Software.... Paste  h...

   Memory analyzer tool, Eclipse,heap dump, HPROF     2014-10-28 07:22:35

  Cache Reheating - Not to be Ignored

An important aspect to keep in mind with databases is the cost of cache reheating after a server restart. Consider the following diagram which shows several cache servers (e.g., memcached) in front of a database server.This sort of setup is common and can work quite well when appropriate; it removes read load from the database and allows more RAM to be utilized for scaling (when the database doesn’t scale horizontally). But what happens if all the cache servers restart at the same time, s...

   Database,Cost,Cache reheating,Advice     2011-09-21 09:47:29